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Dionne C Monsanto

The 2015 Overnight Walk was my third time participating in this powerful fundraising event for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Each year I learn something new about myself.

2013 Washington, DC

Our team had 3 people. It was my first walk and I was not physically prepared. I did 1 training walk and bought a new pair of walking shoes for the 16-18 mile walk. We did it.

I learned I should have trained more and that I should set me goals higher.

2014 Philadelphia, PA

Our team had the same 3 people. I opted to volunteer as a crew instead of walking in the actual walk. The walk ended on the actual 4th anniversary of Siwe's death. Whew. LOTS of deep breaths.

I learned about the strength, love and kindness of strangers bound by a common cause. #suicideprevention

2015 Boston, MA

Our team expanded to 4 people. We walked with approximately 2000 people. We collectively raised almost $3MM!!! The majority of the walk was in the cold wind and rain. #ilikeithot

I was physically prepared for this walk from my consistent Bikram yoga practice. I was mentally prepared for the walk. I was NOT prepared for the inclement weather. Cold! Rain! Sleep deprivation! Well my team taught me about teamwork. I learned that when we come together all things are possible. I don't know if i would have completed that particular walk without them in front of me and behind me. I got it...

I build community. I collect fine things... PEOPLE. These fine people create my village. I am blessed to have them. THEY are the reason I am strong.


Who do you keep?

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