Something big is coming for all of youu… and you can be part of it.
I am so so so very excited. I can barely sit still. Seriously. (I wish you could see my face! Actually I wish I could see yours when you read this!)
Finally… my new book, “101 Ways to Live Life INjoy” is launching on Kindle on March 8th!
My big vision is to get this book in the hands of as many ideal readers as possible on March 8th.
You can help…
Think about all the people you know who are stuggling to find joy in their lives, people that are dealing with complicated grief, feeling overwelmed and stuck. People that are happy but desire more happiness.
You can help by sharing how they can get the book and my special bonus gift, "101 ways to live life INjoy Journal" for less than the price of a cup of coffee at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts!
I’ll make it super easy for you.
I promise to make your participation “copy and paste” easy. I’ll provide all the copy for social media posts. You just copy and paste it on March 8th and away we go.
Can I count on you to help?
Just hit “reply” to this email and say “I’m in.” Then watch your inbox for details from me as the launch date gets closer. For now mark your calendar for March 8th.
More coming soon…
Dionne C. Monsanto
BTW… a couple of people who got a sneak peek are raving about the book…
We often look at our lives as a collection of adversities that we have overcome. We mark our personal stories with struggles to prove that the lessons were both learned and earned. Not Dionne C. Monsanto. Despite having more than her fair share of adversity, Dionne has constructed a path that is outlined with the joys of her journey. This book is not about examining the pitfalls of life, it's about reclaiming the possibilities. I cannot think of a better conductor on this road to rediscovery than Dionne.
-Bassey Ikpi, New York Times Bestselling Author and Mental Health Advocate
"101 Ways to Live Life INjoy" is a heartfelt reminder of embracing joy throughout any circumstance. Dionne Monsanto's uplifting short stories Illustrate the precious life lessons we can learn throughout all of our happy and heartbreaking moments. Her inspirational words bring light and renewal during a time of uncertainty. I highly recommend this thought-provoking and inspirational read.
-Deborah Schaub, President, C&B Accounting, LLC
