Not like run away and retreat, like woosah retreat!
And what an amazing time I've had for mental health month! I poured into others and I poured into myself.
Last week you read about me on the train heading to MA to retreat. Generally I work the retreats versus attending them. This was the first time in forever that I actually unplugged and participated in a retreat as an attendee!
I gotta tell you, if you haven't gone on a retreat or taken some time to unplug and do something you love…
You. Need. To. Do. It!
You know I love playing. My inner child was so fully seen and heard. So many wonderful things that fed my spirit.
Yup that yellow tent was my home for 4 days and 3 nights. That was my watercolor masterpiece painted.

We were on a farm. I got to sit outside and play on the farm. I got to sleep in a tent, do watercolors, play hand games, Scrabble and hula hoop. I actually jumped hula hoop and jump rope. (There are videos as evidence.) Didn’t get to play cards (I tried, believe me) but I did get to dance and walk along the river and watch a waterfall and play in nature.
This was in the middle of a 4-week course I led, plus speaking events and recording 2 podcasts. There have been some more deaths. Life is still lifing. It was happy, sad, fulfilling and busy, but there was a “clear container" to get everything done because I have clear steps to thrive. There was space to rest, work and play!
The clear container had great boundaries, you know, like that cereal container with 3 compartments. One for each area… Work. Play. Rest. The rest and play got me so rejuvenated I could do all the work with ease. FUN work vs. hard work.
If you haven't gotten the idea that I think unplugging and getting away is good for you I don't know what else to tell you.
But if you want to try it for yourself PLUS spend time with me and hang out for another woosah weekend, I'll be in Fire Island June 9th through 11th!
It’s communal living at the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) Fire Island Cabin in Atlantique. This 22-person cabin with two managers that stay in a tent there's a commercial kitchen, stand-up paddle boards, canoes, kayaking, sailboats, a garden, a gazebo, yoga mats, yoga blocks, beach chairs, beach umbrellas, with books/games in the gazebo. And my all time favorite toy… frisbees! Yes, frisbees!
You can go clamming in the bay, or chill on the beach and you can walk to the next town (Ocean Beach). I mean I love the place, but I am an island girl through and through. My family is from the island of St Thomas, USVI. I mean, I live on the island of Manhattan and I have family in Martha's Vineyard and I like heading out to Fire Island.
All things warm weather and outdoors fun! That’s me!
If the beach is not your thing there are other events coming up later on in the year but friends… please do tell me what you're interested in doing and what you want to hear or learn from me.
I love connecting with you and I love that several of you have already registered. There are still 3-4 beds left. Got questions? Ask!
Author, Coach & Chief Joy Connector
P.S. I am teaching and performing african dance again! That has been invigorating too. Email me for details.
P.P.S. Wanna tune in to my next live speaking event? Save the date. Thursday, June 15th. 12pm - 1:15pm ET Juneteenth is Coming! Now what? Register and Reimagine will send you the replay if you cannot attend the live event.
You can follow me and chat more on the following social media channels