Thank you for being a YES! Thank you for saying, “I’M IN!” Thank you in advance for your support in promoting my book, 101 Ways to Live Life INjoy.
I am finalizing what messages you can copy and paste for your people, but if you are on social media there are a few options on my pages. I have been posting daily on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for the past few days... Please comment, like, and share any of the posts.
See my social media handles below:
Instagram @DionneCMonsanto
Facebook @DionneCMonsantoINjoy
Twitter @JoyousOcean
If you are not on social media, you can share the above handles with you people that are. I have inlcluded the graphic for announcement post and this link will take you to the book description.
On launch day ONLY, Tuesday, March 8th, the Kindle version will be available and it will be $.99! Your help promoting book sales on Amazon will get me to a Best Seller designation.
Thanks for helping me share the big message of the book!
Joy is your birthright.
Transformation is possible.
Let’s get the buzz going. I have several speaking engagements next week, I have listed the first 2 below.
Sunday 3/6/2022 4pm EST
Harlem Network News (HNN)
Dionne C. Monsanto Speaks on Her New Book
101 Ways to Live Life INjoy
Click link above to watch on Facebook
(No worries if you can’t make it. It will be on the HNN YouTube Channel soon after.)
Tuesday 3/8/2022 7am EST
Wake Up Everybody Virtual Community
Register here for Zoom link
Flyer below

More coming soon keep checking your emails! Thank you in advance for help! Text, email or message me on WhatsApp if you have any questions. #IGetByWithALotOfHelpFromMyFriends
Dionne C. Monsanto
Chief Joy Connector