Afua Pili Busisiwe Ayo Stewart-Monsanto has joined the ancestors and is at peace. I hope all that love her and love me will find peace in her memories. I called her Siwe (see-way), others called her Bubblez or Zippee.
I live my life in the open and hope that people learn from it. My beautiful brilliant 15 year old daughter chose to end her life on June 29th, 2011. She had been dealing with depression and anxiety for years. We have had several suicide attempts. I believe she is at peace now and I am ever so thankful for the time I had with her. She taught me so much even before she was born on International Working Women's Day, March 8th, 1996.

She was an extremely talented young lady. I plan on publishing her children's book. I will not mourn. I have shed so many tears at the possibility of this day. I now choose to celebrate her life and invite you to do so as well. Her choice was simply that... her choice.
As I have spoken to so many people regarding her death in the past 36 hours, many have expressed regret. Many feel that they could have done more, helped more, been with and near her more. I believe we all did the best we could with the information we had. I am confident that I did all that I could do with and for her.
There is not much we can do for Siwe. But we can do for ourselves and others. Depression and suicide is all too prevalent these days. What you can do now is:
Take action!
Tell someone you love them
Volunteer for a cause you believe in (some organizations that she volunteered with and/or supported were: Midtown West, Harlem School of the Arts, National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention etc.)
My daughter's journey on earth is over, but I hope yours is just beginning.