I love LOVE love when my readers send me things that remind them of me and my blog. Apparently this was the posting in the Daily Word today. I would have written the last paragraph a little differently though.
Joy is within and all about me.
I want to live in joy. So rather than depend on something or someone to change so that I can be joyful, I choose to be joyful right now!
Speaking words that are uplifting, I share my joy with others. I greet them with a warm smile and kind words. Joy increases as I give from the limitless wellspring within me. The positive energy that flows from me is multiplied as others, in turn, bless and encourage those with whom they connect.
Joy is my very nature because my heart is full of the spirit of God. By choosing to focus on the positive aspects of every person and situation, I feel the joy of God that is within me and all around me. As I share joy, my own joy is complete. Be glad in the Lord and rejoice. –Psalm 32:11
Sounds like me right?! I love that. Fits totally with my mantra: I am living my life INjoy! Here is MY last paragraph. ;-)
Joy is my very nature because my heart is full. By choosing to focus on the positive aspects of every person and situation, I radiate the joy, reflect joy and magnify the joy within me and all around me. As I share joy, my own joy is complete.
I am living my life