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Dionne C Monsanto

Updated: May 9, 2023

I love traveling.

People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering. – St. Augustine

My mother started me on this passion for travel with our regular visits to family in St. Thomas before I was in elementary school. I still marvel at the vastness of the sea, I lose myself in her when I journey outside of the New York City. I look up at the moon and the stars as often as possible. Mountains and rivers we love in Vermont, lakes in New York and Massachusetts. And then…


Well… I do wonder… but not often enough… about me. I wonder about you. I wonder about all the things to be done. The clients to serve. The projects to complete. College applications. Financial aid forms. High school applications. The kids. The house. The car. Reviewing HW. Planning family dinners, birthday celebrations, books to read… but…


Well… I do wonder. How will I get it all done? How do I get it all done? Why do I get it all done? What makes me tick? Who do I love and how do I share my love in the world? How can I keep giving and remain full? I pass the mirror and wonder a lot! How did I grow to this size? How can I remain healthy, whole and complete? When did I grow up? Where does my laugh come from? It is so deep and full of joy.

Don’t pass yourself without wondering. Be not only in awe of the many splendiferous things that you see outside of yourself but also at the many wondrous things inside of YOU.

I wonder about love. I wonder about you. I wonder about how I can sustain love for a lifetime. I wonder about laundry. I wonder when spring will arrive and stay. I ponder love and my integral part in it. I wonder when I will gift myself with a long hot candlelit bath and a glass of organic red wine.

What do you wonder about? Who do you wonder about?

Do NOT pass yourself without smiling. Seriously, this moment could not exist without you. Do NOT pass yourself without wondering.




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