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Dionne C Monsanto

Healing is subtle. There is constant unending pain for the first year or so. It lessens so gradually that you do not notice it. Anniversaries (birthday and death-day) have been interesting to say the least. I prepare for them. I believe that #successrequiresplanning. And by success, I mean I do not drown in tears on June 29th.

Siwe Monsanto 3/8/1996 - 6/29/2011

2020 has been such an unexpected growth year. I was so busy sheltering-in-place in Kenya that it seems like I forgot to feel the pain of her loss. I was almost halfway through June before I realized the 9th anniversary of her death by suicide was coming. In a 2013 post, I shared how June 29th was my personal 9/11. Now, 9 years after her death, grief is different.

As a gift to you, I leave you this beautiful picture of my daughter, Siwe. I will highlight the quote and give you ways to show up for yourself and others. The filter on the picture says:

Smile. You never know who's falling in love with it.

I love that concept. My smile, your smile, a smile is a gift. I give mine freely unless it is so deep inside I cannot bring it out.

Below are some ways to show up for yourself and others:

15 acts of kindness 15 minutes of meditation and/or prayer 15 minutes of walking and/or being in nature $15 donated to a charity 15 minutes of mirror work 15 calls/letters for justice #blacklivesmatter
15 minutes of phone calls to verbally tell people you care about them


She lived for 15 years

Give 15 for Siwe on Monday, June 29th, 2020

Thank you for reading this. Thank you for being you. Please tell me what you chose to do, if anything. I heal when I hear from you. Please and thank you.




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