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Oops! Who thought spelling would be this hard?
Hey there! Me again… I made a big oops in my last email. You already know I'm speaking at The Story Collider on Monday July 24th at 8pm...
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My life is an earthquake in progress
Hear me out. You might be tired of hearing about the San Andreas fault, but you’ll like this. As I said, hear me out. I know a lot of...
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Dude! We are totally riding these waves!
So there's this theory about how the continents were formed, right? Pangea, earthquakes and parts of the planet shifting. I think I...
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OMG!! Where do I start??!
I saw a rat in my house!!! It's July. I am kind of in denial that we are in the 7th month of the year! Anyhoo, as a black woman I have to...
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I think your nails are upside down
Okay, that might seem ridiculous but so is my life. This past weekend was celebrating three deceased individuals. My girlfriend who died...
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Resending: Gratitude and Gifts from your Fire Island Yoga Teacher
Hey there to my new friends and familiars! Can you believe it has been 8 days since we saw each other?!! We thoroughly enjoyed the cabin,...
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You make a difference
I've been pondering a lot about impact. Big topics like... How much time do you spend trying not to judge yourself on what you haven’t...
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Gratitude and Gifts from your Fire Island Yoga Teacher
Hey there to my new friends and familiars! Can you believe it has been 8 days since we saw each other?!! We thoroughly enjoyed the cabin,...
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Standing over the San Andreas Fault
This is not who I am. Right? How is this my life? Who am I? This is NOT going according to plan. Oftentimes, my clients are grieving and...
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Oh my God, I walked all night!
So it's June… another month with all the feels. My deceased grandfather's birthday is June 1st. Two of my cousins died on June 2nd. My...
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"Challenge accepted!" said the Universe 🙄
So... is it just me, or does this happen to you too? The Universe is consistently listening to our statements and I am persistently...
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Rest. Restore. Rejuvenate. RETREAT!!!
Not like run away and retreat, like woosah retreat! And what an amazing time I've had for mental health month! I poured into others and I...
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Mmmm Growth, Sweet and Delicious
I love pomegranate seeds but they are just so darn expensive! In March, a friend gave me a whole pomegranate when she visited. I was not...
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My book launches on Tues, 3/8! Thanks for your support!
Thank you for being a YES! Thank you for saying, “I’M IN!” Thank you in advance for your support in promoting my book, 101 Ways to Live...
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